Serving For Impact

Serving For Impact™ is a values-based program that helps your team understand the importance of serving customers.  It begins by the understanding that your customers are not just the external people that utilize your product or service, but even your peers, bosses and direct reports are your customers.

Serving For Impact™ is not just a training program, it is a values-based process that can be utilized in every relationship in your life.  Every person has a deep need to be understood, whether they are internal or external customers.  Without this connection you are just another vendor.  By utilizing the DCC-RAR Serving For Impact™ process your people will engage, connect and communicate with your customers at a higher level than ever before.

Because Serving For Impact™ is values-based it connects with participants at a deeper level than other trainings.  Because Serving For Impact™ is a process, participants find it easier to remember and apply on a daily basis.

Your team will learn:

  • The DCC-RAR Serving For Impact™ process
  • How to identify and utilize their personal Foundational Core Values™ as the guardrails for their daily interactions
  • How to identify and adjust to each customer’s individual Communication profile™ to increase understanding
  • How to identify and solve problems as they create deeper connections with customers


Serving For Impact™ is deployed in an initial one day kickoff seminar where participants will learn all of the principles and processes of the program.

Because true learning doesn’t take place unless people are held accountable to apply what they have learned, there are seven weekly, on hour, group coaching sessions, or follow ups.  Each week participants will review and focus on applying a principle learned in the kickoff seminar.

In between follow ups participants will be required to put what they have learned into action.  There are exercises to help them stay focused on the principle of the week, and participants are expected to apply what they learned with every customer.

During the weekly group coaching session, participants report back on their successes and challenges.  They will have discussion questions they will answer each week and the certified facilitator will have them share their answers, and coach them as they deepen their understanding on how to serve more effectively.


Serving For Impact™ is a life changing process.  Not only do people see greater levels of success in their professional life with their internal customers and external customers, many graduates report back on how the program impacted their personal relationships as well.

Because it is a process, leaders can coach to it and assess more easily how their people are doing with their interactions with customers on a daily basis.

Participants increase in their professionalism, emotional intelligence and confidence in engaging customers and problem solving.

For more information on Serving For Impact™ contact us at (770) 456-5547.